Instructions to Authors

Submission Process

Submissions should be sent via e-mail to the Editor,, in Microsoft WORD format. Each submission should contain the following:

Author Information

  1. Your name and your e-mail address.
  2. Title of your commentary.
  3. Your name and affiliation as you wish them to appear (or pseudonym if you wish to remain anonymous).

Target Information

  1. Full reference to the article on which you are commenting (the target article).
  2. Abstract of the target article (as published).
  3. E-mail of target author.
  4. If the target article has already been commented on in PsyCrit, just the PsyCrit name and date reference of the original comment need be given.

Content Requirements

Comments should be no longer than 1500 words and be written as clearly and simply as possible. Figures are acceptable, but should be included in the text and formatted, with legends, as you would like them to appear in the published pdf file. Accounts of failures to replicate may contain data and experimental methods, but should not exceed 2000 words (authors may be consulted via e-mail by readers wishing additional details). For other format details, check a recent issue of PsyCrit. Submissions will be either accepted as is, accepted subject to minor editorial changes, or rejected.

John Staddon, Editor
Center for Behavioral Neuroscience and Genomics
Dept. of Psychology and Neuroscience
GSRB2 – BOX 91050
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-91050, U. S. A.