Behavioral Economics
2006-07-16 Behavior-centric versus reinforcer-centric descriptions of behavior. The paper is a brilliant tour-de-force, but a subtext to the paper is what I will call the behavior-centric view. In this view, stimuli are remembered until a response is emitted, and reinforcers reach back in time to effect this response in the presence of the remembered stimulus... Formats:Davison 2006-07-09
2006-09-12 Visual Language Processing and Additive Effects of Multiple Factors on Timed Performance: A Challenge for the Interactive Activation Framework? Two factors often have additive effects on timed performance in language tasks. Despite 25 years of work, fans of the dominant theoretical framework for language processing have yet to publicly address even a single instance of such additivity... Formats:Besner 2006-09-08
2006-07-16 Will you take ‘neuro’ with that? Neuroeconomics is an interesting idea that has an epistemological worm at its core… but there is no guarantee at all that the optimizing process corresponds to “explicit optimization” in which courses of action are well-defined... Formats:Staddon 2006-06-28