PsyCrit:Instruction Manual

How-To instructions for editors

Adding a New Article

These instructions are obsolete. I need to update them. --WikiSysop (talk) 21:33, 12 September 2012 (EDT)


These instructions are for the basic target-and-commentary articles. I haven't yet worked out how to handle the standalones, though it shouldn't be too complicated.

The process can be simplified still further, but I have to do some experimenting first.

New Instructions

Mostly written

  • Create Target: add a page for the target article, if it hasn't already been added
  • Add Response: add the response
  • Upload the response PDF and tag it with the appropriate categories (explanation to be written)

Note: Obsolete stuff to go back and delete as time permits


  1. Upload the commentary PDF (or otherwise add it to the wiki)
  2. Pick a "keyname" for the target article. This name won't be visible to readers. I've been using Year-FirstAuthor, e.g. 2006-Rachlin.
  3. Create the specs page for the target article, which should be named Target:keyname, e.g. Target:2006-Rachlin
    • To create a new page, you can either:
      • edit the current address in your browser by replacing the current article's name with the title you want, then press the "edit" link when the blank article shows up, or
      • type the exact title in the searchbox, press "Go", and then click on the "create this article" link.
  4. Enter the target article specs. This is in a very particular format; probably the best thing to do is edit an example target, copy the contents into your new page, and then change the details to be correct for your new target article.
  5. When you have saved the target article specs, the link to the commentary article (in the "response-list" section) should show up in red; you can click on this to create the page for the response specs. See Response:2006-Rachlin.1 for an example to copy – or for an example with just a PDF, try Response:2006-Alvarado.1.
  6. When you have saved the commentary specs, you're ready to start displaying the articles:
    • Create the page for the target abstract, named the same as the target's title. The content of this page is very simple, because a template generates it from the data you entered earlier: {{format-target-abstract|keyname}}. See Are Emotions Natural Kinds? for an example.
    • Edit Articles to add to the front page summaries. The format for each summary is {{format-commentary-frontpage|Response:keyname.n}} where n is the number (almost always "1") of the response for the target named keyname.
    • Edit Target Articles to add the target article to the table of contents. The format for each listing is as simple as the target abstract page: {{format-target-toc|keyname}}

That should do it. Ultimately all the articles (targets and commentaries) should be in some sort of database, so you would essentially only have to do steps 2-4.